Current Events

Infrastructure Partners Conference - Sponsorship

October 7, 2024 - October 8, 2024
  1. Details
  2. Fees

All delegates must be pre-registered to attend. 

CEA’s Transportation Connects Alberta, is a two-day conference, which celebrates the significant socio-economic return on transportation investments in the Province of Alberta.

The conference will provide an excellent networking opportunity, bringing together leaders and innovators from policymakers, owners, builders and engineers to explore the emerging technologies and partnerships that will enable clean, efficient and accessible transportation systems. The conference will explore advancements in transportation efficiency, accessibility, safety, environment, and community across the transportation infrastructure that connect Albertans and grow Alberta's economy. 

Click here to sponsor. 

Sponsorship Opportunities

There are numerous sponsorship opportunities available and outlined below:

Platinum Level (4 available - 3 available) - $5,000

  • Logo placement at the Sunday evening pre-conference mixer
  • Special acknowledgement at opening & closing plenary
  • Speaking opportunity to endorse brand (2 minutes) as moderator during introduction on one Plenary Session
  • Headline placement of corporate logo on all conference material
  • Headline placement of corporate logo on 36” by 36” sponsorship board
  • Corporate logo featured on screen during lunch & all breaks (March 11-12, 2024)
  • Advertisement in our conference app (deadline is Friday, February 9, 2024 upon confirmation of your sponsorship, you will be contacted with specifications)
  • Corporate logo on conference webpage with link to sponsor’s website (upon confirmation of your sponsorship, please provide us with a high resolution JPG and an EPS logo to Inderjeet Singh at
  • Two free delegate packages (Please send the two delegate names to Inderjeet Singh at by Friday, March 1, 2024)

Gold Level (5 available - Sold Out) - $2,000 

  • Special acknowledgement at opening & closing plenary
  • Headline placement of corporate logo on all conference material
  • Headline placement of corporate logo on 36” by 36” sponsorship board
  • Corporate logo featured on screen during lunch & all breaks(March 11-12, 2024)
  • Advertisement in our conference app (deadline is Friday, February 9, 2024 upon confirmation of your sponsorship, you will be contacted with specifications)
  • Corporate logo on conference webpage with link to sponsor’s website (upon confirmation of your sponsorship, please provide us with a high resolution JPG and an EPS logo to Inderjeet Singh at
  • Two free delegate packages (Please send the two delegate names to Inderjeet Singh at by Friday, March 1, 2024)

Silver Level (8 available - Sold Out) - $1,000 

  • Special acknowledgement at opening & closing plenary
  • Prominent placement of corporate logo on all conference material
  • Prominent placement of corporate logo on 36” by 36” sponsorship board
  • Corporate logo featured on screen during all coffee breaks (March 11-12, 2024)
  • Advertisement in our conference app (deadline is Friday, February 9, 2024 upon confirmation of your sponsorship, you will be contacted with specifications)
  • Corporate logo on conference webpage with link to sponsor’s website (upon confirmation of your sponsorship, please provide us with a high resolution JPG and an EPS logo to Inderjeet Singh at
  • One free delegate package (Please send the one delegate name to Inderjeet Singh at by Friday, March 1, 2024)

Bronze Level (unlimited available) - $750 

  • Special acknowledgement at opening & closing plenary
  • Placement of corporate logo on all conference material
  • Placement of corporate logo on 36” by 36” sponsorship board
  • Advertisement in our conference app (deadline is Friday, February 9, 2024 upon confirmation of your sponsorship, you will be contacted with specifications)
  • Corporate logo on conference webpage with link to sponsor’s website (upon confirmation of your sponsorship, please provide us with a high resolution JPG and an EPS logo to Inderjeet Singh at

Sponsorship Deadline - Friday, March 1, 2024 

Please note the deadlines above for each element of your sponsorship. Failure to meet these deadlines affects your ability to take advantage of all marketing opportunities.